A Little Bit of Everything

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 which says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' delcares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" But the line, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans," also rings true. I'm so glad God is in control of my life because it means I don't have to be. Join me as I laugh, cry, and play my way through the daily tasks of raising three boys and trying to maintain some sense of order when it comes to my home.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Murphy's Law, Part II

Well, my computer problems are finally solved.  They started last summer when the power button failed to boot up the darn thing.  I was informed the capacitor on the motherboard was toast.  Of course, when Geek Squad took it to Kentucky for three weeks last July, they found nothing.  They sent it back to me without doing anything.

A week later, the problem happens again and I drive 45 minutes to Best Buy again where I was told the problem could be relieved by holding the power button while the computer was unplugged and the battery was removed.  Problem solved once, twice, again and again, over and over.  But after awhile, this absurd practice of removing all sources of power in order to plug it all in again so I could power up my computer failed to produce said results.  Back to Best Buy.

They ordered me a new battery.  Problem "solved" for 6 months or so.  Three weeks ago, the power thing starts acting up again so I drove AGAIN to Best Buy where they showed me the power button trick once again (after I tried it at home with no luck) and miraculously, it worked.  Just in case, they sent me home with a new power cord and ordered a new battery which would arrive via mail in a few days.  By the time I got home, the power button again rebelled.  Not able to return to the store twice in the same day, I set it aside for a few days and lo and behold, three days later, the computer randomly decided to respond to repeated pressing of the power button. 

Then, last Friday, no power.  I held the power button--no luck.  Over and over and over and over again.  Back in the car.  I fumed my way all the way to Manchester, plunked the computer on the counter and told the kid I don't want it back unless something gets fixed.

Oh, side note, I got a renewal notice in the mail for my service plan which is set to expire April 9.  Another two years of this bologna would only set me back $450.

So the kid at the counter visibly tucked his tail, "I understand ma'am."  They sent it out that day and I got a phone call this afternoon letting me know that Geek Squad had decided to replace my computer.  I skipped around for the next half hour waiting for the bus so I could load all three kids in the car.  So now, I'm sitting on my new computer, typing a new blog post, ecstatic because my laptop is not overheating and burning my legs (not to mention the fact that it turned on when I pushed the power button). 

So for anyone wondering where I have been in the last week or so, that is the story.  It's just too hard to type one letter at a time on the Wii.  It'll slide in a pinch for facebook but not in a million years for a blog post.

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