A Little Bit of Everything

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 which says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' delcares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" But the line, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans," also rings true. I'm so glad God is in control of my life because it means I don't have to be. Join me as I laugh, cry, and play my way through the daily tasks of raising three boys and trying to maintain some sense of order when it comes to my home.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fried brains with oil on top

Virtually every Friday morning, I do my weekly grocery shopping at WalMart.  Rodney's check has been deposited and it's a convenient time (as long as I get there first thing in the morning before it gets too busy).  So every Thursday evening, I pull my list together, decide what we are having for dinner for the week, go through my coupons, put away the remainders of last week's groceries so I can bring the reusable bags, etc.  Rodney didn't work this Thursday.  It felt like Friday.  It threw off my system.

So I woke up Friday morning without a list prepared.  Ugh!  Oh yeah, and I was expecting an oil delivery at some undetermined time of the day for which I would fork over our life savings.  Double Ugh!  While I got the boys ready for school, I scurried around trying to figure out what pieces of meals we already had and the fewest possible items I could buy to fill in the gaps for the week. 

Nevin got on the bus and I realized Micah and Russell were not anywhere near the process of getting ready for their bus.  Oh well, I checked my email.  The neighbor and I have tried to walk on a daily basis for the last couple of weeks but so far this week it hadn't worked out.  Thankfully, neither of us were going to be able to go so I didn't have to feel guilty about cancelling.  Shoot, Micah and Russell might need some breakfast before getting on the bus.  (Have I mentioned before I'm not that great at multi-tasking?)

Somehow, with help from above, both boys managed to get on the bus with breakfast in their bellies, shoes on their feet, and even a toothbrush having been wisked across their teeth (wisk was about all the teeth got but oh well.)

The oil delivery came shortly after the bus and since the gauge on our tank has a mind of it's own, we only ended up turning over half our life-savings.  Finally, an upturn to a rough start of a Friday morning.  I grabbed my reusable bags, checked to make sure my list was tucked away in my purse, turned off the dryer (since Rodney was leaving too), and headed out the door.

My mental checklist was flipping Rolodex-style through my mind. 
Twelve loads of laundry so Nevin could pack for his first Boy Scout campout
Find the pieces to my old mess kit for the campout
Go to the hardware store to replace the screw that was lost from the mess kit
Get cash from our bank
Make a deposit for soccer
Fill the gas tank
Dinner and baths for 3 kids
etc, etc, etc......

My car felt as though it was crawling and wanted to run but I was going the speed limit, and I've gotten a ticket along that stretch of Rt. 6 so I kept an eye on my speedometer.  I finally got there, loaded up my cart, got sidetracked for a little while, and headed to the checkout lane.  Toes tapping, the order of the woman in front of me somehow got messed up and the cashier had to hand type in the entire thing over again.  I guess it was a good thing because it gave me plenty of time to be prepared for my turn (or find out I was unprepared).

I reached into my purse to get my debit card and IT WASN"T THERE!  Surprise, surprise.  So while the cashier was still working on this order in front of me, I loaded everything back into my cart and brought it over to the courtesy desk so I could run home and get my card.  Apparently, store policy is to only hold a cart for 45 min. and then everything gets put away.  I have a 20 min. drive each direction so I let them know I was going to be cutting it really close.

I raced home and raced back.  Walking up to the courtesy area, I realized my cart wasn't there.  My puppy dog- oh no- didn't I tell you it was going to be right at the time limit- eyes- caught the attention of the woman behind the counter and she quickly assured me she stashed my cart in the refrigerator because of the cold stuff.  Thank heavens I didn't have to start all over.

So I came home, tackled my Rolodex length list, and finally got the kids in bed at 9:30.  I collapsed in the chair and picked up a crochet project. 

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