A Little Bit of Everything

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 which says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' delcares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" But the line, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans," also rings true. I'm so glad God is in control of my life because it means I don't have to be. Join me as I laugh, cry, and play my way through the daily tasks of raising three boys and trying to maintain some sense of order when it comes to my home.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Parent [forgot to] pick-up

Micah asked me last night if he could be parent pick-up today.  I made a deal with him.  Get dressed in the morning with no problems and I'd write a parent pick-up note.  After several rounds of crazy, I tucked him in for the night and settled down to enjoy my new computer.

Too many hours and two crossed eyes later, I finally dragged myself off to bed and about the time my head hit the pillow, the thought occurred to me I should probably make sure Micah is covered or he'd wake up cold in the middle of the night.  So I tucked him in again and settled back into my own bed.  Not five minutes later, he was crying.  So much for making sure he was tucked in well for the night.

Micah: "I want my dollar! Give me my dollar!"
Me: "Shhhhhhh! Micah, you're dreaming, go back to sleep"
Micah: "I'm not dreaming, I need my dollar now."
Me: "We'll find the dollar in the morning."
Micah: "But you said you'd give me a dollar if I picked up all the rock and I did so I need my dollar.  You didn't give me my dollar." 
Side note-Micah had picked up all the rocks in one pile in the yard earlier with the promise of a dollar for his hard work.  Best Buy called about the computer just about the time he finished and I forgot all about his dollar.  By the time he remembered and decided to demand his dollar, it was 1:30 in the morning.  So to make the child happy and get him back to sleep, I got him his dollar.  He took it, tucked it in with him, and promptly went back to sleep.

We've now established my child has the memory of an elephant.  Unfortunately, I do not. 

This morning Micah reminded me about my promise to send him to school with a parent pick-up note which jogged my memory about him getting dressed with no problems.  One less thing to deal with.  He got dressed, I wrote his note, and got him on the bus in the pouring rain.

Deep breath, chapter in The Purpose Driven Life, three loads of laundry folded while listening to a Family Life podcast, dishes washed, hamburg for dinner fried, chocolate cookie dough mixed, baked, and bowl licked, and another load of laundry into the wash.  Then the phone rang.  Since I was in the basement switching the laundry, Rodney picked up the phone but all of a sudden, I remembered the note.  School lets out at 11:35 and it was already just about 12:00. 

If you didn't catch it, getting dressed was nowhere in the above list of morning accomplishments so there I was in my pj's with my hair in all kinds of disarray panicking because my four year-old was forgotten at school.  World's worst mother moment.  So I sent Rodney who had no idea what to do when the normal parent pick-up doors were locked.  He eventually figured it out but was none too happy when he got home.

Several more deep breaths and life goes on.  Micah forgave me and I'm already able to laugh at the incident but tomorrow is going to be an outside day for my boys.  They need the fresh air and I need the ability to focus.

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