A Little Bit of Everything

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 which says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' delcares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" But the line, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans," also rings true. I'm so glad God is in control of my life because it means I don't have to be. Join me as I laugh, cry, and play my way through the daily tasks of raising three boys and trying to maintain some sense of order when it comes to my home.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Murphy's Law

Need I say more?

So I woke up yesterday morning to another 90 minute delay.  With my youngest in half-day morning preschool, a 90 minute delay means I have an extra helper ALL day.  I had planned to get the floor done.  The one that had sticky stuff left from last weekend.  Didn't happen.  We were able to get a few things out of the way (laundry is his favorite chore and my least favorite) and then called the afternoon a draw and headed to the library.

This morning started out great.  Nevin got on the bus, Russell and Micah were ready for their bus half and hour early, and then the phone rang.  Nevin forgot his trombone and needed me to bring it to school for him.  I spent an hour bringing wood in, headed to school with the trombone, and then spent the rest of the morning cooking.  We had a couple of turkey carcasses in the freezer that I threw in a pot on the woodstove then picked apart this evening while watching Biggest Loser.  Turkey soup for lunch tomorrow.

And wouldn't you know it, Micah isn't going to school tomorrow either.  We have dentist appointments. 


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